![]() Living a holistic balanced healthy life helps us to not only have more fruits of our labor, but helps us to enjoy them more. Your body is one of your biggest investment, wouldn't you agree? Our wonderful bodies carry us through our days. When we want to walk to do something our bodies support us. When we want to stand and complete a task or watch an event, our bodies support us. When we want to do activities, fitness, fun stuff, make love, play, etc. our bodies support us. When we want to give someone a hug or write or email or do art, etc, our bodies support us. When we want to breath, sleep, think, create, rest, love, give, receive, etc. our bodies support us. In what ways do you support your body? Do you invest in your holistic health and well being? Have you thought about it much? If you looked at where you invest your time, energy, money and thoughts the most, would your investments match your goals or dreams or your core values? In all things in life; health and balance are essential for quality living. We have no way of knowing how long we will live, how or when we will die, but we do have a lot of say and a lot of control in how we will live. While we do not have absolute control in our lives, we are the ones in the driver seat. Life circumstances or world events may sit in the back seat and add to the navigation so to speak, but ultimately we ourselves are the ones in the driver seat. We can and do contribute to the ripple effect of the world, but we do not control the world, things do come up and challenges do happen. We do have choices and we do have control over ourselves, our attitudes and our daily investments. We can invest 10 to 60 minutes a day in our fitness, our fun, our education, our meditation, our spiritual practices and in our goals. We can make the choice to do less of the things that do not serve us like watching TV, a lot of social media, a lot of video games, movies, eating junk, complaining, etc, and replace them with investments that lead to our quality of living. We can chose to invest an extra 10 to 30 minutes a day to improve our nutrition and to set ourselves up for success, or we can be lazy and careless now and invest our time later by days, weeks or months in the hospital, nursing home or by ending up 6 feet under far younger from heart disease, lung disease or some other illness that we have caused or mostly contributed to. Maintaining balance in all areas of your life will help to set you up for success in living a longer more abundant and joyful life.
![]() Check out our blog post on blogger! Humor and attitude are a big part of learning, retention and getting a full return on your educational investments. :) Read about some ways that students lighten things up during training. Also learn a few tips on staying present and getting more out of your time in training. When you attend trainings, you invest time and money... money comes and goes... but time is one thing you will never get back. Make the most of every minute of your life. Learn, have fun, and apply your lessons to your life and to your career. Here's the link: http://mlhealthsafety.blogspot.com/ Let us know what you think. And remember to SMILE! ![]() Communication is key to connecting with others. In all aspects of life, whether in your professional life or personal life, communication is one of the most important skills to have. Good communication skills can be the most powerful tool you will use to lower risk of violence, insults, losses and accidents. One of the most important parts of communication is understanding each other. While we have so very much in common as being human, we also have many cultural differences. Learning how to speak compassionately, effectively and respectfully are key in creating a quality professional and personal experience. One thing that happens in communication with other cultures (race, class, age, etc.) is that folks tend to "put their foot in their mouths". They may make comments, ask questions or make jokes that end up really insulting others. The sad thing here is that most folks never mean any harm. They actually have good intentions but because of poor communication skills and understanding of other cultures they make themselves look like the "bad guy" when they really aren't. Learning about communicating with other cultures is not just a way to avoid law suits and win customers; it's one of the richest experiences you can provide for yourself as a person and as a professional. Once you start connecting with people from many different cultures the quality of your life will increase. All cultures have light and shadow sides but mostly all cultures have a wealth of beauty, skills, knowledge and perspectives that will amazing and impress you once you start on the learning and connecting journey. We all share this beautiful planet, knowing how to connect with others peacefully and compassionately creates an expantion in our lives. It is only natural that as we expand in understanding, we also expand in all areas of our lives. Here is a blog that is not only a great read, but it has some powerful points that important to learn about commucating with the Deaf community. Communication is key to connecting with others. In all aspects of life, whether in your professional life or personal life, communication is one of the most important skills to have. Good communication skills can be the most powerful tool you will use to lower risk of violence, insults, losses and accidents. One of the most important parts of communication is understanding each other. While we have so very much in common as being human, we also have many cultural differences. Learning how to speak compassionately, effectively and respectfully are key in creating a quality professional and personal experience. One thing that happens in communication with other cultures (race, class, age, etc.) is that folks tend to "put their foot in their mouths". They may make comments, ask questions or make jokes that end up really insulting others. The sad thing here is that most folks never mean any harm. They actually have good intentions but becuase of poor communication skills and understanding of other cultures they make themselves look like the "bad guy" when they really aren't. Learning about communicating with other cultures is not just a way to avoid law suits and win customers, it's one of the richest experiences you can provide for yourself as a person and as a professional. Once you start connected with people from many different cultures the quality of your life will increase. All cultures have light and shadow sides but mostly all cultures have a wealth of beauty, skills, knowledge and perspectives that will amazing and impress you once you start on the learning and connecting journey. 10 Things you should never say to a Deaf person. http://becomingdeaf.wordpress.com/2012/07/24/10-things-you-should-never-say-to-a-deaf-person/ Happy learning! So many people are dealing with struggles in today’s economy.
The questions are: how do I deal with this emotionally and how do I overcome these struggles? · To deal with the struggles emotionally there are several things you can do: · Mindset is everything! Attitude is everything! The more you shift from the inside the more the outside will shift with ease. · Mindset is vital in easing emotional pain and in shifting your life from struggles to success! · Know that it is temporary: Knowing that things can and will change at some point allows you to relax your mind. Your mind, once relaxed enough, can allow it to flow with solution focused thoughts. · Know that you are not alone: knowing you are not alone can sometimes help you feel less isolated and it can also relax you enough to put in into your creative mind. · Focus your appreciation on what is working and on all of the success you have had so far: Appreciation relieves stress, opens up the creative centers in the mind; it frees oneself from worry and allows you to step into creative solutions. · Have a strong support group of friends, family, colleagues and spiritual people: Now it is very important to surround yourself with people that also have a prosperity minded. People that will understand your pain but not set there and wallow in it with you. These people will help you to problem solve in a solution focused manor. These people will help you keep your head up and looking towards the prosperous future you are creating. And these people will sincerely celebrate all of your successes with you. · Keep listening to audio books and reading books that are uplifting: This will keep your mind in the right place and keep you motivated and inspired. I will include some suggestions in the next blog. To overcome struggles do all of those same things listed above and: · Use your time & energy wisely: What are you are you focused on? Complaining, thinking about loses and problems? Use thought stoppers. When you are caught in the negative spaces in the mind, visualize a stop sign and redirect your thoughts to music, or an activity that is really pleasing to you. As you feel yourself relaxed and in a calm state, then sit down, right out clear plans of action. Get a clear picture of what the circumstances are and then spend your time and energy focused on the solutions. The choices you may have to make may be “the lesser of two evils” but they are still choices. The more you focus on gratitude and solutions your situation will shift and you will start to see more progress in your life. · Are you spending time focusing on blaming others or on taking responsibility for yourself? Yes the actions of others can and sometimes does have an impact on us. But what is done is done so now what? Now what can you do? What have you learned (not “that you can’t trust others” but that you need to have legal protection or have things clearly defined in writing. See the positive lesson in the experience only. Looking at it in negative context only harms you more and distracts you from success) · Use Universal laws to manifest the life you desire: The law of attraction is one of those laws. · Study books that teach you about Universal laws. · Study the greats! Who has gone before you successfully and how did they do it? Who has failed, why and how did they do it? What can you learn from these people and businesses to assist you currently? · Look at things from a clear prosperity mindset: Are you looking at things from a proactive, productive, creative, solution focus outlook or are you looking at it from a reactive, problem focused outlook? · Personal development is the primary part of your success! Focusing on task alone is a loser’s road to doom. Focusing on personal development is how the highly successful succeed. They read books, hire success coaches, and work on themselves and invest in themselves first. · Developing yourself into a strong, confident, capable person shifts your success! When you feel relaxed, calm, confident, capable, assertive, etc., your mind works faster, more accurately, more creatively and you experience more clarity and attract to you stronger players in your team. · Attend success groups, seminars, workshops and public book readings regularly! Not only is this one of the most important activities you can do for your overall success it is a perfect way to network and build your business contacts and expand your customer base. · Know who your team is and how you bring them into your life and why: Your team is you, your friends and family, your colleagues, your networking groups, your company, your customers, your success coach, the leaders at the seminars and workshops you attend, the authors you read, your neighbor, your place of spiritual practice, the people at the gym etc… How are all of these people in or on my team? You: Your energy, your focus, your level of confidence and skills make all of the difference in your success. After all, it is your life; you are the one responsible for it. And it is your own success we’re talking about here. Your social circle: Your family, friends, neighbors, spiritual circle etc: These people support your success or they don’t. They contribute to it or they don’t. They impact your life, your self esteem, your time management and your finances at times. Depending on how you are with them, with yourself and or how they are with you, can impact your success. Plus it is often our closest circles that send us the most business. Word of mouth is a strong marketing tool. Your business, company, colleagues, and network marketing team: Since we often spend most of our time and energy with these people it is the same situation as with our social circle. Your leaders, success coach, spiritual leaders and teachers: These are the ones that reach you at a different level and in a different way than others do. These people have more of an invested interested in your success, are more neutral and act more as observers, coaches, educators and have a very strong impact on your mindset and your overall success. I will also add: Massage Therapist, Reiki practitioners, chiropractors, doctors, dentist, gym trainers etc: These people also impact your success greatly as they help you to heal through additional blocks, lower stress, heal your body and mind and help you live a healthier higher quality of life. Educators, authors, inspirational and motivational speakers: This is a group of people that can impact your life all day if you listen as you drive and consume during most of your down time. If you are an avid reader and consumer of audio books, mp3 downloads, documentaries, seminars etc, these people can help to remap and rewrite all the bogus information that has been bombarded into your mind sense your childhood and they can help take you from a poverty mindset to a prosperity mindset and affect your success on a very high level. This is just a short article on some simple things you can do and be aware of to assist you in getting through the struggles of this economy. I will write another blog soon that will include a recommended reading list, some website links and more… Stay tuned... Have a very prosperous week. Jody G. |