We have lowered our over head and now we get to pass these savings along to you!![]() A penny saved is a penny earned, in this case it's several dollars! WHOOP! We've figured out how to save $5 to $15 dollars per student tuition and so we have passed that along to you! We are excited to open up the opportunity to learn these life saving skills to more people in 2014! We are still offering group discounts and special contract rates as well! We are looking forward to continuing our goals of helping others save time, money AND lives! We wish you the most amazing and prosperous year to date! HAPPY 2014! FROM ALL OF US AT MYSTIC LOTUS HEALTH SAFETY SUCCESS ![]() Within just a couple of days of each other numerous people were killed by shooters. Our hearts and prayers go out for the families and for those whose lives were lost from these tragic and horrific crimes. Life is sacred and our journeys here are so precious. Each living person makes an important contribution to this world. These beautiful lives were taken in an instant leaving a ripple of sadness, confusion and anger. Many vigils are being held to honor the lives and to celebrate the life that each person did get to live. No matter how many years they lived, each moment they had is being celebrated and mourned, and they will be greatly missed. When such tragedy happens in our own neighborhood or across the world it impacts us all. We feel it deeper the closer to home the tragedy is, but one way or another we are all impacted. I encourage each one of you to step into a space of appreciation of life. Step into a space of celebration for life and with that anger felt deep down inside, use that anger as fuel for cause to create more peace, safety, quality of life and to enjoy more. Take this moment and honor the lives taken and move forward towards creating safer, more loving and joyful lives and communities. This is not a time to create more violence or to fuel hatred. This is the time for us to step forward and create a ripple effect of great love and strong community. We get to decide what comes of such events. We can use this as a way of creating good cause or a way of perpetuating negative cause. We can go on about gun control and we can blame and bash, or we can go on and find the strength and courage to create more of what we would like to see. Working towards solutions is far more powerful than working against problems. What would we like to see so that these tragedies no longer take place? How would we like to see things handled should such horrific crimes take place again? What solutions or resources could create safer communities? What solutions or resources can we increase in our communities to increase the quality of life for all so that when life is taken, we can feel some sense of comfort that it was one well lived? What can you do as an individual to be safer, to be more peaceful, and to be more proactive? What can you do to improve your quality of life? What solutions can you be a part of that will assist in creating stronger, safer, more joyful communities? We are so very sorry for the lives lost and so grievously impacted by violence. We too light a candle to show a light for those dear souls lost to violence. May all those that died rest in internal peace, and may all their loved ones find comfort from their pain and their loss. My heart feels so heavy for these surviving loved ones. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Jody G. and Mystic Lotus ![]() BLS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS DATE: SUNDAY 12/09/12 TIME: 9:30 AM Tuition: $75 (please ask about our amazing discounts) LOCATION: DOWN TOWN SALEM OREGON CPR WITH FIRST AID & AED (Meets OSHA's Guidlines) DATE: SUNDAY 12/09/12 TIME: 1:00 PM Tuition: $95 (please ask about our amazing discounts) DOWN TOWN SALEM OREGON What makes Mystic Lotus Health Safety Success the place to receive your certification? Within the first three months after you pass your class, you are welcome to sit in on the same class to refresh your lessons. If you have a hard time learning and do not pass the class, you have one month to take the class again for FREE! Your success IS important. We are here to support your success! If you are a company or group that receives AHA training through us, we will offer a FREE one hour health, safety, & success consultation! Please call or email to register for class. 503 269-1199 [email protected] Our training room is located on the third floor. Be prepared to walk up stairs. f you are disabled and need accommodations please let us know ahead of time. We also offer on site training (at your location). We have a small kitchenette so please bring snacks and drinks as classes can be long. While the topic of saving lives IS very serious, feel free to laugh and enjoy yourself. :) We get to have fun while learning. Be mindful of the time and be sure to stay on tasks AND remember to relax and enjoy this important learning opportunity. Discounts available for: Groups (5 or more) Veterans CDIB card holders Volunteers of many non-profits and others... Complete the form on the Mystic Lotus blog site to donate money to American Heart Association.
Help us meet our goal to raise money to end heart disease. Together we can make a difference! Mystic Lotus appreciates your loving heart. <3 http://mlhealthsafety.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-post.html As you know Health & Safety Training and Certification is required in many work settings and to meet many licensing requirments, but did you know that there is a lot of information out there available to help you meet these requirments affectively.
We are quality instructors with American Heart Association that can help you gain quality training and certification. Here is some more information to assist you with things you can do to make your company safe and successful! To find this document, go to this website: http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/basic.html#_1_13 How do you establish medical aid and first aid programs? First aid facilities and the provision of medical aid is generally prescribed under health and safety legislation or workers' compensation legislation. The OSH program must include the following information:
In general, if injured workers are offered alternative employment:
http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/basic.html#_1_13 How do you promote employee involvement in health and safety programs? Once the health and safety program has been set in place and the program appears to be running smoothly, effort is still required to maintain enthusiasm and interest. Studies have shown that the effectiveness of health and safety educational techniques depends largely on how much importance management is seen to place on health and safety. Where management, by its actions, has shown that they are sincerely concerned, interest in the program can be maintained at a high level. Accountability for individual performance is a key motivator. Safety awareness can be enhanced by:
Should workplace specific items be included in occupational health and safety programs? The elements of OH&S programs discussed so far apply to all basic health and safety programs. In addition, specific items may be needed to address workplace specific activities. Examples of such items are: